Despite what seems like an incredible experience overnight, The Scoville Unit LLC was created at a young age. It was the brainchild of a very young, Kris (The Scoville Unit) Fragale.
Kris's pepper chompin' days stared at a very young age with his Opa. His Opa, sisters and him would go down to his Opa's garden and eat garlic and peppers. His sisters didn't like the peppers, but Kris loved them. From there, his love for spicy grew.
It wasn't till 2021, that The Scoville Unit debuted on Youtube. What started as a way to pass time, turned into great memories with people who became family.
Beth (Mrs. Scoville Unit) created The Scoville Unit LLC as an anniversary gift to Kris (The Scoville Unit). Despite Kris's serious nature on YouTube he can actually be quite romantic. He puts a lot of thought into his gifts for Beth. Well, Beth wanted to make Kris's brainchild come to fruition. She gifted him the LLC on their anniversary of 2022.
Our goal is to share our recipes && do what we love.

